HPB event: Thursday 24 June 2021
We have a date for your diary; on Thursday 24 June we’ll be holding what will be the first of a programme of Historic Pools of Britain (HPB) events.
We are delighted that Mike Kirkman of Sir Doug Ellis Woodcock Centre will be our event host for this virtual event.
To give us the historic pools experience that we’ve all been missing we’ll be joined by author and editor Simon Inglis. It was in 2004 that Simon launched the Played in Britain series of books with English Heritage, co-writing Great Lengths (focusing on indoor historic pools) with Dr Ian Gordon and editing Janet Smith’s Liquid Assets unique study of lidos. It is the research that resulted from Simon’s work that became the basis for the Played in Britain Historic Pools Directory, which HPB continues to maintain.
Simon will be giving an overview of historic pools, drawing upon the themes of architecture, design, heritage and popular culture. His journey will take participants from the spectacular indoor pools of Victorian and Edwardian times to the revered lidos of the 1920s and 30s reflecting upon the municipal pride that went into their creation.
Sharing updates, insights, experiences and more are The City Baths, Newcastle, Chester City Baths and Save Grange Lido.
To see Grade II Listed Newcastle City Baths saved and then brought back to life was one of the most exciting stories of 2019. But what about the learnings, joys and challenges that took place behind the scenes? And with the events that followed the reopening of the pool in January 2020, how has this affected the operation’s future? A short update and questions session will give the opportunity to find out more.
HPB was due to hold an event at Chester City Baths in autumn 2020, so the next best thing will be to hear the team share an update. However, this beautiful Victorian Baths complex has faced some significant challenges, and at the moment is operating with just one of its two pools open. Volunteers are doing incredible work and community support has also been invaluable. We look forward to hearing more and know that everyone wishes Chester good luck.
The Save Grange Lido team demonstrates what community action can achieve when people work together. With a Business Plan underway, it is working with South Lakes District Council to progress the first of a two staged approach, which will see the restoration of the buildings and structures. The event will be a valuable opportunity to hear Save Grange Lido’s Chair, Janet Carter, share an update.
We love nothing more than visiting a pool, and know the great value that everyone gets from the opportunities these experiences offer. So for our autumn event we are planning to be back poolside and will share details for this soon.
Our virtual event will take place on Thursday 24 June from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Each member pool is entitled to two free spaces and individual members are entitled to a free space, so we hope as many of you as possible will join us. Additional places and non-members places are £5 per ticket. All the booking details are available here.